from competition: 7/31/19
Note: Rodeo in progress. All results are unofficial.
Bareback riding leaders: 1. Jesse Pope, 82.5 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's Rockstar; 2. Tim O'Connell, 80; 3. Tim Palmer, 78; 4. Tyler Waltz, 75.5; 5. Luke Herbert, 72; no other qualified rides.
Steer wrestling First round leaders: 1. Bob Lawlyes, 8.2 seconds; 2. Noel Strahan, 10.1; 3. Matt Fisher, 30.3; no other qualified runs. Second round leaders: 1. Colton Swearingen, 7.4 seconds; 2. (tie) Matt Fisher and Noel Strahan, 8.3 each; 4. Joe Brown, 18.0; no other qualified runs. Average leaders: 1. Noel Strahan, 18.4 seconds on two head; 2. Matt Fisher, 38.6; 3. Colton Swearingen, 7.4 on one head; 4. Bob Lawlyes, 8.2; 5. Joe Brown, 18.0; no other qualified runs.
Team roping leaders: 1. Ty Bargar/Drew Carnes, 5.5 seconds; 2. Carmine Nastri/Cooper Nastri, 12.8; no other qualified runs.
Saddle bronc riding leaders: 1. Will Stites, 76 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's Thomas & Mack; 2. Trey Watts, 74; 3. Jace Angus, 73; 4. Zach McPherson, 60; no other qualified rides.
Tie-down roping: First round leaders: 1. Bradley Chance Hays, 11.1 seconds; 2. Abdiel Zamora, 13.6; no other qualified runs. Second round leaders: 1. Abdiel Zamora, 10.3 seconds; no other qualified runs. Average leaders: 1. Abdiel Zamora, 23.9 seconds on two head; 2. Bradley Chance Hays, 11.1 on one head; no other qualified runs.
Barrel racing leaders: 1. Wendy Chesnut, 14.65 seconds; 2. Lauren Wagner, 15.10; 3. Dawn Powell, 15.28; 4. Beth Ann Borowy, 15.36; 5. Karlee Benincasa, 15.87; 6. Sarah Rieg, 15.96.
Bull riding leaders: 1. Mike Adams, 79 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's No. 21; 2. Quentin Vaught, 75; 3. Cole Fischer, 73; no other qualified rides.
from competition: 8/1/19
Note: Rodeo in progress. All results are unofficial.
Bareback riding leaders: 1. Jake Brown, 88 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's George's Bad Cat; 2. Jesse Pope, 82.5; 3. (tie) Tim O'Connell and Zach Hibler, 80 each; 5. Tim Palmer, 78; 6. Tyler Waltz, 75.5.
Steer wrestling: First round leaders: 1. A.J. Williams, 4.5 seconds; 2. Bob Lawlyes, 8.2; 3. Olin Ellsworth, 9.1; 4. Gene Stoltzfus, 9.6; 5. Noel Strahan, 10.1; 6. Chad Stoltzfus, 11.9. Second round leaders: 1. John Leinaweaver, 5.8 seconds; 2. Gene Stoltzfus, 6.7; 3. Colton Swearingen, 7.4; 4. (tie) Matt Fisher and Noel Strahan, 8.3 each; 6. Joe Brown, 18.0. Average leaders: 1. Gene Stoltzfus, 16.3 seconds on two head; 2. Noel Strahan, 18.4; 3. Matt Fisher, 38.6; 4. A.J. Williams, 4.5 on one head; 5. John Leinaweaver, 5.8; 6. Colton Swearingen, 7.4; no other qualified runs.
Team roping leaders: 1. Darren Morgan/Morgan Jones, 5.2 seconds; 2. Ty Bargar/Drew Carnes, 5.5; 3. Waylon Cameron/Ryan Whetham, 7.1; 4. Kyle Gardner/JB Burgess, 12.6; 5. Carmine Nastri/Cooper Nastri, 12.8; no other qualified runs.
Saddle bronc riding leaders: 1. Will Stites, 76 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's Thomas & Mack; 2. Trey Watts, 74; 3. (tie) Curtis Garton and Jace Angus, 73 each; 5. Zach McPherson, 60; no other qualified rides.
Tie-down roping: First round leaders: 1. Bradley Chance Hays, 11.1 seconds; 2. Chance Locken, 12.6; 3. Ned Kilgus, 12.9; 4. Troy Roberto, 13.2; 5. Abdiel Zamora, 13.6; 6. Charlie Goerlach, 14.1. Second round leaders: 1. Chance Locken, 9.8 seconds; 2. Abdiel Zamora, 10.3; 3. Charlie Goerlach, 11.1; 4. Robbie Erck, 15.5; 5. Matt McKinstry, 17.7; 6. Lane Sikes, 17.9. Average leaders: 1. Chance Locken, 22.4 seconds on two head; 2. Abdiel Zamora, 23.9; 3. Charlie Goerlach, 25.2; 4. Robbie Erck, 29.7; 5. Bradley Chance Hays, 11.1 on one head; 6. Ned Kilgus, 12.9; no other qualified runs.
Barrel racing leaders: 1. Wendy Chesnut, 14.65 seconds; 2. Tiany Schuster, 14.69; 3. (tie) Jaime Fowler and Lauren Wagner, 15.10 each; 5. Lois Ferguson, 15.22; 6. Dawn Powell, 15.28.
Bull riding leaders: 1. Jamie Griswold, 80.5 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's Unm Brandon's Pet; 2. Mike Adams, 79; 3. Quentin Vaught, 75; 4. Cole Fischer, 73; no other qualified rides.
from competition: 8/2/19
Note: Rodeo in progress. All results are unofficial.
All-around cowboy: J.R. Myers, $924, tie-down roping and team roping.
Bareback riding: 1. Jake Brown, 88 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's George's Bad Cat, $2,405; 2. Jesse Pope, 82.5, $1,844; 3. (tie) Tim O'Connell and Zach Hibler, 80, $1,123 each; 5. Tim Palmer, 78, $561; 6. Tyler Waltz, 75.5, $401; 7. Carl Bernier, 73.5, $321; 8. Luke Herbert, 72, $241.
Steer wrestling: First round: 1. JC Duncan, 4.4 seconds, $945; 2. A.J. Williams, 4.5, $709; 3. Cody Gardner, 4.7, $473; 4. Bob Lawlyes, 8.2, $236. Second round: 1. Justin Raburn, 5.2 seconds, $945; 2. John Leinaweaver, 5.8, $709; 3. Cord Spradley, 6.2, $473; 4. Gene Stoltzfus, 6.7, $236. Average: 1. Gene Stoltzfus, 16.3 seconds on two head, $1,418; 2. Noel Strahan, 18.4, $1,064; 3. Justin Raburn, 24.6, $709; 4. Cord Spradley, 27.9, $355.
Team roping: 1. Darren Morgan/Morgan Jones, 5.2 seconds, $2,076 each; 2. (tie) Zach Kilgus/Jake Edwards and Ty Bargar/Drew Carnes, 5.5, $1,669 each; 4. Gary Dubois/Shawn Quinn, 6.4, $1,263; 5. Kyle Letzelter/Casey Cox, 6.5, $993; 6. Waylon Cameron/Ryan Whetham, 7.1, $722; 7. Justin Yost/J.R. Myers, 11.1, $451; 8. David Ballantyne/T.R. Serio, 11.5, $180.
Saddle bronc riding: 1. Parker Kempfer, 82 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's No. J8, $2,609; 2. Taygen Schuelke, 80, $2,000; 3. Byron Gilliland, 76.5, $1,478; 4. (tie) Lane Schuelke, Treyson Antonick, Will Stites and Kirk Nelson, 76, $587 each; 8. Trey Watts, 74, $261.
Tie-down roping: First round: 1. Justin Thigpen, 9.1 seconds, $945; 2. Westyn Hughes, 9.4, $709; 3. J.R. Myers, 10.3, $473; 4. Tye Casey, 11.0, $236. Second round: 1. Westyn Hughes, 9.0 seconds, $945; 2. Justin Thigpen, 9.5, $709; 3. Chance Locken, 9.8, $473; 4. Colby Clement, 9.9, $236. Average: 1. Westyn Hughes, 18.4 seconds on two head, $1,418; 2. Justin Thigpen, 18.6, $1,064; 3. Chance Locken, 22.4, $709; 4. Abdiel Zamora, 23.9, $355.
Barrel racing: 1. Ronda Casey, 14.57 seconds, $1,607; 2. Wendy Chesnut, 14.65, $1,377; 3. Tiany Schuster, 14.69, $1,148; 4. Jody Stockton, 14.93, $995; 5. Jen Merriman, 14.98, $765; 6. (tie) Lauren Wagner and Jaime Fowler, 15.10, $536 each; 8. Laura Lee Thomas, 15.12, $306; 9. Lois Ferguson, 15.22, $230; 10. Julie Erkamaa, 15.27, $153.
Bull riding: * 1. Jamie Griswold, 80.5 points on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo's Unm Brandon's Pet, $2,873; 2. Mike Adams, 79, $2,252; 3. Braidy Randolph, 77, $1,720; 4. Quentin Vaught, 75, $1,188; 5. Cole Fischer, 73, $833; no other qualified rides. *(all totals include ground money).

(716) 985-4847 | P.O. Box 182; GERRY, NY 14740